Scene from the dark side. #farkasszem #unblinking #anger #solopiece
The 1st edition of @ruberusessions. It was pure joy playing with you guys!
After a pretty successfull recording session we had a more than promising first gig at the @romerhaz. Wow, can't wait to play again with László Dés' Free Sounds Quartet! #déslászló @lukacs.miki #fenyvesimarton #freesoundsquartet ... See more
Tonight. Introducing Ambientology II. #norddrum3p #eckermanndrums #bosphoruscymbals #strymontimeline
Hallo Wien! Can't wait to play with these people, probably it will be fun 😉 Ruberu Sessions@Kulturraum Neruda, 28.02
The Ambientology II.@Opus Jazz Club 02.26.
Haven't played with Polygon since August. Guys, it's great to be with you again! @lukacs.miki #mihalyborbely #polygon #harmoniajazzmuhely
Brought some Greek sunshine to the Viennese winter with these wonderful musicians. @alexiachrysomalli @oscarantolimusic @efeturumtay #jovantorbica #soak
Most szombaton újra Jazz-játszótér a Zeneakadémia-n!
(sok)minden, amit a Jazz játszótérről tudni akartál
Busy days in Budapest: 02.21. Össz-Hang@Katona József Színház 02.22. Mihaly Borbely Polygon@Budapest Jazz Club 02.23. Jazz játszótér@Zeneakadémia 02.23. Kristof Bacso trio@IF Cafe Jazz Club 02.26. Lantos Fenyvesi Barcza Dés | The Ambientology ll.Opus Jazz Club ... See more